Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Major Progress

Ok so there are some changes tonight: Firstly the temp team name 'Kenainiste' has finally been abolished! We are now team 'Obsurveillance', as the Blog title suggests. We also decided on a product name (at least for now) of 'The Epifect'.
In other equally as important news, we have come a massive leap forward in our plans for a narrative. At the minute we are looking at creating an interactive surveillance hub from which the user views a twisting and turning narrative involving the surveillance people being spied on, a multimedia hacker mastermind and a supposed terrorist plot that turns out being anything but stereotypical. Theres way too much to explain in a post here but it is finally coming together anyway so we speak to the lecturers tomorrow; lets hope they are as excited as we are about where its going!

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