Friday, October 22, 2010

Narrative Progress

The team has been busy working together over this two weeks behind closed doors on an exciting and compelling story for our exhibit. We are creating an interactive (but fixed, i.e. NOT multi-threaded) narrative centered around the theme of surveillance and the sometimes-sinister media. We just wanted to update everyone watching that we are making good progress and that we have finalized a few key things:
The subject matter will be current affairs/mass media relevant.
We hope to change the User's opinion, or for them to realize something about the real world that they didn't think too much about before.
It will be presented and probably interacted with through a surveillance-themed constructed environment.
The hard-hitting, twisting, and possibly controversial narrative is the key element to holding the immersion of the User, along with a unique physical experience.
All still very general, I know, but specifics coming soon!

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