Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Team/Project Name

Hey guys, the more I see Kenainiste, the more I wish I came up with something more creative... I know we should focus our attention on the narrative issues etc but lets also have a think about the name too!
Baptiste made a really good suggestion with the general idea of 'What you see is not always what you get'. This is perfect except for the length, so I was trying to find a word or pair of words that summed up that phrase... thought of 'Deception' but that has more than a little similarity with a certain major motion picture... So what about 'Eidolon' (means delusion) or the slightly over-the-top-but-still-cool 'Deceptio' (Latin for deception)... Anyway I strongly suggest a one/two word name that sticks out. Suggestions?


  1. Oh yeah and when changing the template I couldn't change the alignment of the title so just added the underscores instead... a temp solution until we design custom images (Blogger has some great design tools!)

  2. haha! Epipholon? Eidiphany? Epiphectico... Wait I like that! Epiphectico, combo of Deceptico (Latin for deception) and Epiphany... no wait kinda hard to read, maybe Epifectico? I think thats pretty cool...

    Another thing.. Do we need a team name and a product name? Like I know we obviously need both but what I mean is could we use the same name for both?
